Wednesday, September 9, 2015

I'm Still Alive

Oh my goodness! It's been way too long. A lot has been going on. Between the boys starting school, traveling to TN some, and keeping up with life, I've been pretty busy. I will update y'all on how my workout progress has been going.

I have to admit I haven't stuck religiously to Jamie Eason's program but I am still lifting weights just modifying a bit. I pull from her program exercises and tailor them to my schedule. For example I am averaging teaching 2 pumps a week which gives me a full body workout using light weight and many many reps. The other 2 days I incorporate heavy weights challenging me in ways I've never been challenged before in the gym. I usually do one arm day lifting heavy shoulders, triceps, and biceps combined with 20 minutes of intervals on the treadmill. The other day I do heavy legs, back, and abs. I try to get another cardio day in too but that doesn't always happen. I have really focused on trying to take rest days so my body can repair and build that muscle...something that is hard for me to do.

Since I've been pumping for so many years, adding heavy weight was a challenge for me at first but the past few weeks I have been able to add more weight surprising myself at what I could do. I still have a long way to go but I have enjoyed seeing some results and getting stronger. I love the challenge! I have taken some pics to track my progress.

July 9 
(the beginning of my "heavy" lifting journey)

July 22

July 24

July 28

August 6

 august 14

September 2

September 5

Next week I plan to change it up again.  I am going to add even more weight and lower reps.  I will continue that for a couple of weeks.  I then plan to do some tri-sets and add more cardio back in.  I am still following Jamie Eason's From Flat to All That somewhat.  I am just modifying it a bit.

I love challenging my body in new ways and having a goal to work toward.  I am really enjoying the change up in my workouts.  As always it's a great stress relief and a great way to have productive "me" time.  As a mom it is so easy to forget about yourself.  It is very important to have something that is for me that helps my overall well being.  I am a better mom because of it.

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